Download Commotion OpenBTS

Verifying Downloads

We use the best practice of using GPG signatures to sign our downloads. This allows you to verify that the files you download here were released by us if you choose to.

To verify our downloads (optional), you'll need the

Commotion Signing Key

and the GPG signature for the downloaded file. This image links to each download's GPG signature:

Find out more on our Verifying Downloads page.

Commotion OpenBTS

Warning: this is completely experimental and has not been tested! It is for development use only.

Commotion-OpenBTS is packaged as a custom Linux live distro that you can run from a USB flashdrive or CD.

You must have compatible GSM hardware in order to use it. See the README file for more information.



Commotion Signing Key

= GPG signature (what's this?)

Unstable Builds:

File Date Size MD5
Commotion-OpenBTS-x86.iso 03/12/2013 06:24 pm 1.2 GB 81d4c270da34a23e87d4972e90e908e1